Just like any other species, the crocodile family is made up of lots of different variations, a bit like cousins in a human family – they share some traits but others are specific to their species.
And these species vary from location to location and the type of water whether it be fresh or salt. So let’s take a look at some of these different croc species and see what makes them special.
American Crocodiles

Crocodylus acutus or the American crocodile is one of the largest crocodile species. With males reaching up to 20 feet in length and weighing in at a massive 2,000 pounds – not something you would want to pick a fight with!
Don’t get me wrong if you come across one of these bad boys you are going to be in serious trouble but they are not as aggressive as some other species.
You will find these amazing creatures mostly in coastal areas and you often find them living in south Florida. But they have also had populations spotted in Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
Australian Saltwater Crocodiles
Saltwater crocodiles were hunted for their skin for many years which really knocked their numbers as you can imagine. But they are making a comeback and since 1996 they are no longer on the at-risk list.
These crocs are real predators and are well known for ambushing their prey. They kill their prey in one of two ways either by drowning them or swallowing them whole – not sure which one I would prefer!?.
They have even been known to kill sharks and as you guessed they are considered a huge threat to humans if you happen to cross paths with them.

The Saltwater croc is definitely not on the small size and that’s for certain! They can grow up to 20 feet in length and some can weigh over 2500 pounds – just wow!
And it doesn’t stop there – the saltwater crocodile is also the biggest reptile in the world. Its wide body means that it is often mistaken for an alligator and adults are usually dark green in color.
But, these crocs don’t come in just one color, they may be tan, black, or have a mixture of colored scales, and what color they are depends on their age and maturity.
Saltwater crocs can be found from India to northern Australia of course it would need to be saltwater. So, if you don’t fancy meeting up with one of these guys, then you might want to reconsider your next vacation destination!
Nile Crocodiles

Nile crocodiles, often referred to by their scientific name Crocodylus niloticus, are very aggressive and have thick and scaly crocodile skin.
These crocodiles have a huge bite force but their mouths can be brought under control by an adult using some duct tape. And this is because these crocodiles have really poor muscles that they use to open their jaws. They tend to keep their habitat in lakes and swamps.
You most commonly find the Nile crocodile in Africa and only the saltwater crocodile lives over a wider geographic area than them. They have been found as far north as the Red Sea, Syria, and Palestine.
Freshwater Crocodiles

The Crocodylus johnstoni or Freshwater crocodile absolutely love freshwater as you can tell by their name! Often found in Western Australia in rivers and creeks.
Unlike their saltwater cousins, they are not considered as a threat to humans but don’t be fooled if they feel the need to protect themselves they will bite!
They are smaller crocodiles in comparison to the saltwater and Americans, only reaching around 9 feet, and have a top weight of 220 pounds at most. But that’s still a heavy croc!
Despite loving freshwater, they can live with their saltwater cousins but most definitely prefer living in their freshwater habitats!
The Gharial

The gharial is also known as the fish-eating crocodile because as their name suggests they are great at hunting fish underwater because of their long, narrow snout.
They are one of the largest crocodile species with males getting to around 20 feet in length and they are distinctive looking because of a large pot-like boss on their snout.
Gharials are found in the rivers of northern India today but that is not where they originally inhabited.
These are one of the croc species that really don’t like to leave the water and actually only briefly leave to bask in the sun or to lay their eggs.
The population of Gharial has dropped dramatically since the 1930s but conservation programs are up and running in both India and Nepal to try to introduce captive-bred crocs back into the wild.
The Muddy Dragon

The Chinese alligator more commonly known as the muddy dragon is, in fact, a crocodile and not an alligator. But as you may have guessed from the name, it is native to China.
The Muddy Dragon is one of the smallest croc species and only grows to around 7 feet and weighs a maximum of 100 pounds as an adult. Females are quite a bit smaller than males.
The Chinese alligator also sports a fully armored body including its belly and it doesn’t have webbed feet. In the typical alligator style, they are mostly dark gray or black.
They are nocturnal in the summer and go into a kind of hibernation mode during the winter months living in underground burrows. Due to their summer schedule, they are able to live in areas that are populated by humans without very much interaction or trouble.
The mating season comes early in the summer for this reptile with females producing 20-30 eggs, but they are smaller than the average croc egg.
The Cuban Crocodile

This croc is a medium-sized species that are strong swimmers and have adapted really well to walking and jumping, making them perfect on land and in water predators – these are the things that nightmares are made of!
However, like the other animals on this list, they are critically endangered and are slowly dying out in the wild. Luckily, there are currently still living crocodiles but there are lots that we can do to save this and many other species.
Coming from the Philipines, these crocs definitely look the part and their lifespan will vary between 50 and 70 years. They’re highly threatened because of the unsustainable fishing methods we humans are using all the time. The male crocodiles and female crocodiles are roughly the same size in this species.
Snouted Crocodile

In our opinion, these are the creepiest of all the endangered species. Originating from West Africa, this crocodile has a slender snout, hence its name.
There are five main types of crocodiles in Africa and this is one of them! Once again, this croc is also in significant danger of becoming extinct.